Applicants to the graduate program in Production must submit four creative samples:
a) One film or video work in which you performed a primary creative role (5-10 minutes maximum). The work may be fictional, animation, or a documentary. We prefer complete films. We are most interested in your storytelling ability and are less concerned with your technical skills. SFTV considers thoughtful applicants who are in the early stages of their filmmaking careers, as well as more experienced applicants.
b) One 1-page outline of a film or video project you would like to create. This should be in treatment form. Give us a sense of the kind of filmmaking that interests you.
c) You telling a true story based on a personal experience that mattered to you (2 minutes maximum). Simply record yourself telling this story on-camera. The emphasis is on the content of the story, so carefully think through the structure before you begin. Do not script it, nor ‘perform’ the event. The recording will not be viewed past 2 minutes.
d) THE UNFORGETTABLE MOMENT: Write a single-spaced, single page describing an unforgettable moment you either experienced or witnessed. Concentrate on the basics of good storytelling: character, mood and the dramatic arc.
根据权威的《美国新闻与世界报道》公布的大学排名,及USnews 2019的官方排名,洛约拉马利蒙特大学位居美国西部地区第2名,全美第64名。其中,学校的电影学院代表了美国的顶尖水准,专业排名美国前十。并且在2012年《Hollywood Reporter》“全球”最佳25所电影学院之一,在全球范围内享有盛誉。
洛约拉马利蒙特大学的影视学院在2011年《普林斯顿评论》美国大学摄影与影视制作专业前10强院校,在2012年《Hollywood Reporter》“全球”最佳25所电影学院排名第18名,2013年《好莱坞报道者》美国最佳25所电影学院排名第9名,2014年《好莱坞报道者》美国最佳25所电影学院排名第8名。