希尔斯代尔学院是一所独立的、男女合校教育的四年制文理学院,学院成立于1844年。希尔斯代尔学院授予学生文科学士学位和理科学士学位,并已通过了北方中等教育院校协会的认证。希尔斯代尔学院Hillsdale College始终本着学术卓越、机构独立两个基本原则。希尔斯代尔学院占地200英亩,校园包含多个教学和办公用房,宿舍、音乐厅,艺术中心体育中心,以及超过50万册、11,000期刊和大量的数字和视听材料的图书馆。
John Drake,前高级副总裁,负责人力资源的不育系能源;创始人Lingap儿童基金
Mark Levin,在全国范围内联合谈话电台节目主持人,与纽约时报最畅销的非小说作家。
Madsen Pirie, 亚当斯密斯研究所的发起人
Clinton B. Fisk(c. 1844), Civil War soldier and statesman; namesake ofFisk University;Prohibition Partycandidate for president in1888; first inductee into the Hillsdale County, Michigan Veteran‘s Hall of Fame in 2001
Jasper Packard(c. 1853), newspaper editor andU.S. RepresentativefromIndiana
Solomon Robert Dresser(1865), member of the United States House of Representatives fromPennsylvania; founder and president of S.R. Dresser Manufacturing Co., nowDresser Industries
Spencer O. Fisher(c. 1865), member of the United States House of Representatives fromMichigan’s 10th congressional district
Moses A. Luce(1866), lawyer;Medal of Honorrecipient for service in the Civil War
LaMarcus Adna Thompson(1866), engineer and inventor, known as the “Father of the Gravity Ride” for his roller coaster patents
Will Carleton(1869),美国诗人