请帮我把箱子放到那边可以吗?Wouldyou help me to put my suitcaseover there?
请给我来一杯热水好吗?Hi!Would you bring me a cup of hot waterplease?
我想要再多要一个毯子,请拿给我好吗?Hi!Could you please give me one moreblanket?
B: 好的,这是我的护照。Here it is .
A: 你这次来美国是做什么的?What are you going to do in America?
B: 我是来游学的。I‘mhere for a globe study tour.
A: 你打算在美国停留多久?How long are you going to stay in theStates?
B: 大约……星期。About……weeks.
A:你将去到哪些城市?Whichcities will you visit?
B: 旧金山、洛杉矶、纽约等6个城市。SanFrancisco ,Los Angeles,New York and so on. About 6 cities.
请问前台电话是多少?Would you please tell me the phone number of the hotel reception?
请问酒店的无线网密码是多少?Would you please tell me the wifi password?
请问冰箱里的东西是付费的吗?Excuse me, do we need to pay for the food in the refrigerator?
我们房间的热水壶坏了,能不能帮我们换一个?The electric kettleis out of service, could you please change it forus?
不好意思我没听懂,能说慢一点吗?I’m sorry, I didn’t catch up with you. Can youspeak a little slower?
您能告诉我怎么样乘公车/火车去学校吗?Can you tell me how to catch the bus/train toschool, please?
我什么时间可以用浴室?What time/whencan I use the shower?
晚餐/早餐是几点?What time doesthe family usually have dinner/ breakfast?
谢谢你的晚餐,非常好吃,我能帮助你洗碗吗?Thank you for thedinner.It was very good. CanI help you with the dishes?
我还是有点饿,能再来点吃的吗?I am notfull. Can I have more food, please?
我今晚打算跟朋友在市中心一起吃晚饭,可以吗?I plan toeatwith my friendsin towntonight. Is that alright?
我能洗衣服吗?Can I wash myclothes?
我的湿衣服需要晾在哪儿?Where can I hangmy wet washing?
小件衣物我能手洗吗?Is it possibleto wash some small things by hand?
我晚上睡觉有点冷,能再给我一床毯子吗?I am a littlecold at night. Can I have an extra blanket, please?
我能用我的国际长途卡在您的座机上打一个长途电话吗?CanI use my international phone card to make an international call, please?
我想给你的孩子拍张照片可以吗?I would like totake a picture of your children. Is that alright(ok)?
我能看电视吗?我能听收音机吗? May I watchTV? May I listen to the radio?