

2017-07-27 11:56:51 美国留学云 4008-941-360





耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称“耶鲁(Yale)”,是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的世界著名私立研究型大学,最初由康涅狄格州公理会教友于1701年创立,1716年迁至康涅狄格州的纽黑文(New Haven)。

耶鲁大学是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。作为美国最具影响力的私立大学之一,耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,其本科学院与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学本科生院齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学本科生院美国前三名的位置,位列2016-17年US News美国大学本科排名第3(与芝加哥大学并列)。耶鲁大学共走出了5位美国总统、19位美国最高法院大法官、16位亿万富翁等等。

耶鲁大学的教授阵容、课程安排、教学设施方面堪称世界一流。截至2016年,耶鲁大学的教授和校友获得了57个诺贝尔奖(排名世界第9)和5个菲尔兹奖(排名世界第12)。耶鲁大学图书馆拥有1500万册藏书,在美国大学图书馆系统中排名第二。耶鲁校园的260座建筑物涵盖了各个历史时期的设计风格,曾被一名建筑评论师誉为“美国最美丽的城市校园”。2016-17年度,耶鲁大学位列世界大学学术排名世界第11名、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名世界第12名、usnews世界大学排名(US News)排名第14、QS世界大学排名世界第15名。





在耶鲁,入门级的课程通常是一些大型讲座,还有一些由研究生主持的小型讨论课。有些课程受到了学生的热烈欢迎,比如John Gaddis教授的冷战史,看上去就像是一场演出。高级别的研讨课程通常是小班式的,而且为数众多。高年级学生不必担心选不到自己喜欢的课。大一的新生研讨课也让新生们有充分的机会与教授进行沟通。这里的课程大多都是非常有趣且令人兴奋的。


“新生研讨班”(Freshman Seminars)是小班式的,其中一些课由耶鲁资深教授担任。一些研讨班会对特殊领域的学习做一个总体介绍,还有一些研讨会会探讨各种课程的跨学科研究方法。

“指导研究”(Directed Studies)是一门关于西方文明的新生选修的跨学科项目,包括文学、哲学、历史政治思想这三门持续一年的课程,学生可以在课上读到西方传统的重要作品。对于文科特别感兴趣的优秀学生可以要求加入这个项目,但是得准备好和书本亲密接触,这也就是为什么该项目有个恐怖的绰号叫做“指导性自杀项目”的原因。

“理工科概览”(Perspectives on Science and Engineering)是供理工科新生选修的讲座和讨论课程,持续一年的课程使新生能对科学前沿的课题进行广泛探索,同时为新生加入耶鲁科学社团搭建桥梁。对于理科特别感兴趣的学生,可以参加这个加强项目。

“理工科的本科研究”(Science and Engineering Undergraduate Research)是一门研究课程。耶鲁是世界一流的研究型大学,独立的科学研究、工程研究和设计项目是耶鲁本科生的科学教育中不可或缺的一部分。耶鲁的文理学院、医学院、森林与环境研究学院共有43个授予学位的项目,拥有800个以上的系实验室,理工科新生在入学第一年就可开始最初的科学研究。每年的新生暑期研究奖学金可为100名以上的理工科学生提供资助。

“STARS”(Science,Technology, and Research Scholars)项目为本科生进行科研、课程型研究和指导技能发展的综合研究提供了机会。这个项目支持学生研究自然科学、


● Systems Science and Theory

● Spanish Language and Literature

● South Asian Languages and Literatures

● Sociology

● Russian Studies

● Russian Language and Literature

● Religion/Religious Studies

● Psychology, General

● Portuguese Language and Literature

● Political Science and Government,General

● Physics, General

● Philosophy

● Near and Middle Eastern Studies

● Music, Other

● Music, General

● Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other

● Molecular Biology

● Middle/Near Eastern & Semitic Lang. & Lit.

● Mathematics, General

● Mathematics and Statistics, Other

● Mathematics and Computer Science

● Linguistics

● Latin Language and Literature

● Latin American Studies

● Jewish/Judaic Studies

● Japanese Language and Literature

● Italian Language and Literature

● International Relations and Affairs

● Humanities/Humanistic Studies

● History, Other

● History, General

● German Language and Literature

● Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other

● French Language and Literature

● Forest Sciences

● Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

● Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other

● Film/Cinema Studies

● English Language and Literature/Letters, Other

● English Language and Literature, General

● Engineering, General

● Engineering Science

● Engineering Physics

● Engineering Mechanics

● Electrical, Electronics and Communications Eng.

● Economics, Other

● Economics, General

● East Asian Studies

● East Asian Lang., Lit., & Linguistics

● Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General

● Computer and Information Sciences, General

● Computer Science

● Computer & Information Sciences & Support Services

● Comparative Literature

● Cinematography and Film/Video Production

● Chinese Language and Literature

● Chemistry, General

● Chemical Engineering

● Biophysics

● Biomedical/Medical Engineering

● Biomedical Technology/Technician

● Biology/Biological Sciences, General

● Biological Immunology

● Biochemistry

● Astrophysics

● Astronomy

● Art, General

● Art History, Criticism and Conservation

● Area Studies, Other

● Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD)

● Archaeology

● Applied Mathematics

● Anthropology

● Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature

● American/United States Studies/Civilization

● African-American/Black Studies

● African Studies


● Theology/Theological Studies

● Theological Studies & Religious Vocations, Other

● Systems Science and Theory

● Statistics, General

● Spanish Language and Literature

● South Asian Languages and Literatures

● Sociology

● Slavic Lang. & Lit. (Other Than Russian)

● Russian Studies

● Religion/Religious Studies

● Public Health, General (MPH, DPH)

● Psychology, General

● Portuguese Language and Literature

● Political Science and Government, General

● Plant Genetics

● Physics, General

● Physician Assistant

● Philosophy

● Pharmacology, Human and Animal

● Pathology, Human and Animal

● Organizational Behavior Studies

● Operations Research

● Nursing-Registered Nurse Training (RN/ASN/BSN/MSN)

● Neuroscience

● Near and Middle Eastern Studies

● Music, Other

● Music, General

● Molecular Biology

● Middle/Near Eastern & Semitic Lang. & Lit.

● Medieval and Classics and Classical Lang., Lit., & Linguistics

● Chemistry, General

● Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology

● Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences

● Business/Managerial Operations, Other

● Biophysics

● Biomedical/Medical Engineering

● Biology/Biological Sciences, General

● Biological Immunology

● Biochemistry

● Astronomy

● Art History, Criticism and Conservation

● Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD)

● Archaeology

● Anthropology

● Animal Physiology

● Animal Genetics

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