

2017-03-23 15:02:52 美国留学云 4008-941-360









US NEWS排名 33 学费(/年) $46,960 申请截止日期 1月1日

TOEFL分数 100  食宿(/年) $13,708 国际学生比例 14.73%

平均GPA 3.8 申请费 $70 可申请入学学期 秋季

SAT平均分 1840-2140 录取率 35.8% 是否提供ESL Yes

ACT平均分 28-31 申请人数 16,261 是否提供双录取 No




本科生人数 6,177 小班比例(<20) 71.0% 学期制度 Semester

研究生人数 4,843 中班比例(20-49) 17.2% 教授水平满意度 95%

国际学生比例 3.37% 大班比例(>50) 11.8% 就业实习满意度 54%

师生比 1:10 六年毕业率 85% 课业轻松程度 71%

四年毕业率 74% 新生保持率 96% 校园融洽度 76%




 ED RD Priority Review

申请截止日期 11月1日 1月1日 12月1日

录取通知日期 12月中旬 4月1日 2月15日

学生答复截止日期 3周内 5月1日 5月1日











语言考试 最低分数要求 推荐分数要求

IELTS 7 7.5+

TOEFL 100  107+

PTE 66 73+


托福总分 写作 口语 阅读 听力

100 25 24 26 25


Item Expected Cost

Direct Cost (Tuition & Fees) $50,420

Room & Board $13,730

Indirect Costs (Books, Supplies, & Misc.) $1,290

International Travel $1,500

Personal Expenses $950

Total $67,890


所有申请者皆有资格申请Merit-based奖学金,大多数奖学金金额为$5,000-$15,000。 (10)



可抵学分专业 AP课程 AP成绩 抵学分情况

Art & Art History Art History 4 or 5 Credit awarded after consultation with department.

Studio Arts 4 or 5 A maximum of four credits in Studio Arts awarded upon completion of 100-level course with “B” or better.

Biology Biology 4 or 5 Four credits of elective Biology awarded. Not for major.  Students are eligible for placement in BIO 112.

Chemistry Chemistry 4 or 5 Four credits for CHM 131. Eligible to apply for CHM 171 (Organic Chemistry). Placement in CHM 132 in the Spring. Students taking 131 will forfeit AP credit.

Computer science Computer science A or AB 4 or 5 Students should bring a Course Approval Form to the Computer Science Department for consultation and determination of course credit and placement.

Earth & Environmental Science Earth & Environmental Science 4 or 5 Credit for EES 103.

Economics Microeconomics 4 or 5 Credit for ECO 108 for 4 or 5 in Microeconomics plus 3, 4, 5 in Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics 3, 4 or 5 (See above)

English Language and Composition 4 or 5 No credit. See Primary Writing Requirement.

English Literature 4 or 5 Upon completion of a literature course offered by the English Department with a grade of “C” or better, four hours of elective English credit will be awarded (not for major).  Students with questions should consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies in English.

History American, European or World History) 4 or 5 A total of four credits of elective history granted.

Mathematics Calculus AB 2 or 3 No credit. Placement in MTH 161 or 162 determined by department. If placed in MTH 162 and earns “C-” or better, credit given for MTH 161

4 or 5 Credit granted for MTH 161. Placement in MTH 162 or 171.

Calculus BC 2 No credit. Placement in MTH 161 or 162 determined by department. If placed in MTH 162 and earns “C-” or better, credit granted for MTH 161.

3 Credit for MTH 161. Placement in MTH 162 or 171 by department.

4 or 5 Credit for MTH 161 and 162.  Placement in MTH 163, 164, 165, 171 or, in exceptional cases, in 173.  A student completing MTH 171 will receive one semester of advanced placement credit (they keep credit for MTH 161 but forfeit credit for MTH 162).  Otherwise, the student will receive two semesters of advanced placement credit (for both MTH 161 and MTH 162).

NOTE: An AB subscore is reported along with the BC score.  Placement and credit should be the more generous of the two resulting from using both the AB subscore and the BC score in these guidelines.  However, if the difference between the AB subscore and the BC score is greater than or equal to two, the student should be referred to the Mathematics Department for further guidance.

Modern languages & cultures German or Spanish (Literature and Languages) 4 Placement by department in 152 or  200.  Credit granted for 151 upon completion of 152 with grade of “B” or better.  Credit granted for 151 and 152 upon completion of 200 with “B” or better.

French (Literature and Languages) 5 Placement in 200. Credit granted for 151 and 152 upon completion of 200 with “B” or better.

Music Theory 4 or 5 Credit for MUR 110. See department for placement.

Physics C-Mechanics 4 Placement into PHY 114, 122 or 142.  Credit for 113 or 121 upon completion of course with “B-” or better.

5 Credit granted for PHY 113 or 121.  Placement into PHY 114, 122 or 142.

C-Electricity and Magnetism 4 Placement into PHY 123 or 143.  Credit for PHY 122 upon completion of course with “B-“ or better.

5 Credit for PHY 114, plus credit for PHY 122 or 142 upon completion of 123 or 143 with “B-“ or better.  Placement into PHY 123 or 143.

B-General 5 Placement into PHY 114 or 122.  Credit for 113 or 121 upon completion of course with “B-” or better.

NOTE: placement into honors sequence courses (PHY 142 and 143) requires permission of the instructor.  Additionally, students who will be pursuing a physics or physics and astronomy degree, and who receive AP credit for PHY 121, are still strongly encouraged to take PHY 141 regardless of their AP score.  Students with questions about AP credit should consult the department’s web page or the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Political Science Comparative Government and Politics or U. S. Government and Politics 4 or 5 A maximum of four credits of political science granted.  (In Comparative Government, these credits may be used as one of the three elective courses for International Relations major.)

Psychology Psychology 3 PSY 101 waived as a prerequisite for the major and minors in Psychology.

4 or 5 Credit for PSY 101.

Religion & Classics Latin 4 or 5 Credit for LAT 102

NOTE: Students who complete a second Latin exam with a score of 4 or 5 earn credit for LAT 208 upon completion of a Latin course numbered 103 or above with a “B” or better grade.

Statistics Statistics 4 or 5 Four credits in Statistics. (May be used as STT 211 or 212.)

NOTE: Students intending to pursue an Economics major are advised to enroll in ECO 230 or MTH 203 to fulfill the statistics requirement for the major.


IB科目 IB分数 抵学分情况

Social Anthropology 6+ Award credit for ANT 101 after completion of any other course with a grade of C or better.

Biology 5+ Award four general Biology elective credits.  Not for major.  (Eligible to enroll in BIO 112 with IB score of 7.)

Chemistry 6+ Award credit for CHM 131.  Place into CHM 132.  Eligible to apply for CHM 171Q.

Computer Science 5+ Award credit for CSC 108.

Economics 4 Place into ECO 207.  No credit awarded.

5+ Place into ECO 207.  Award credit for ECO 108.

English 6+ Award four hours of elective English credit, not for major, after completion of an English literature course with a grade of C or better.

Foreign Language (all except Latin) 5 Place into 152. Award credit for 151 after completion of 152 with a grade of B or better.

6 Place into 200. Award credit for 151 and 152 upon completion of the 200 with a grade of B or better.

7 Place into 200. Award credit for 151 and 152 upon completion.

Geography 5+ Award for EES 101. Place into EES 201.

History 6+ Award maximum of four hours of history elective credit .

Latin 5+ Award credit for LAT 102.

Mathematics 4+ Place into MTH 162.  Award credit for MTH 161 after completion of MTH 162 with a grade of C or better.

Music   Please contact the department for credit to be awarded or placement.

Philosophy 5+ Award credit for PHL 101.

Physics 7 Place into PHY 114 or PHY 122.  Award credit for PHY 113 or PHY 121 after completion of PHY 114,  or PHY 122 with a grade of B- or better.

Psychology 5 Waive PSY 101 requirement. No credit awarded.

6+ Award credit for PSY 101.

Theatre Arts 6+ Award four hours of elective English credit, not for major.

Visual Arts 6+ Award maximum of four hours in studio arts upon completion of a 100-level course with a grade of B or better.




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