波士顿学院(Boston College,简称BC),是美国一所私立顶级研究型大学, 是波士顿五大名校(麻省理工学院、哈佛大学、塔夫茨大学、波士顿学院、布兰迪斯大学)之一。波士顿学院知名校友包括现任国务卿约翰·克里,能源部长Ernest Moniz, 马萨诸塞州州长Paul Cellucci,康涅狄格州州长Dannel P. Malloy,波士顿市市长Martin J. Walsh, 投资大师彼得·林奇及谷歌、苹果、JP摩根等众多跨国公司高管及政要,BC在美国享有声望,于2006年被列为全美25所”新常春藤“名校之一。
留学360介绍:BC在2016 U.S.NEWS全美大学综合排名第30位;BC在KIPLINGER金融杂志2016最有价值私立大学排名为全美第19位;BC会计专业在LINKEDIN2015全美会计专业人士职业发展排名第3;BC金融硕士专业在英国金融时报世界大学排名第17, 美国排名第2;BC在2011-2012年美国《高等教育纪事》富布赖特获奖学生数量全美大学排名第8;2007年《普林斯顿评论》将BC评为美国父母眼中理想大学排名第6。
BC也是美国体育及文艺名校之一。 BC曾经培养出美式橄榄球名人堂运动员, 美国电影金球奖得主, 电视艾美奖获得者, 普利策新闻奖获奖者等杰出人士。NBA球星科比2014年还曾前往BC旁听课程;2014年由BC前棒球选手发起的ALS冰桶挑战风靡全球;BC男子冰球队多次雄踞全美NCAA联赛冠军。
BC主校区坐落于波士顿市区以西约6英里栗树山,是波士顿地铁绿线支线的终点站。 BC拥有北美洲最早的哥特式建筑,并被列入历史遗迹受到保护, 也是波士顿马拉松路线的必经之地
BC校友 - Amy Poehler PEABODY PRIZE奖 BC 校友 Tracey Wigfield EMMY AWARD奖 BC校友 -Will Hobson(中) PULITZER PRIZE奖 BC校友 - Doug Flutie 橄榄球名人堂传奇 BC校友 - Amy Poehler 好莱坞星光大道 Amy Poehler 获得2014年金球奖 Molly Schaus 美国冰球国家队守门员 Jared Dudley NBA 篮球运动员 Luke Kuechly 橄榄球运动员 Matt Ryan 橄榄球运动员 Erik Weihenmayer 盲人登山家 Luke Russert 美国NBC电视播音员 Peter B. Dervan 美国国家科学奖章总统授奖 Kofi Kingston - WWE 职业摔角冠军 BC校友活跃在美国的各行各业, 包括政界,文艺界, 商界, 体育界,科技,教育,宗教界等等。
2015美国专业投资社交网站SUMZERO对BC的毕业生与美国常春藤及其它顶级大学毕业生投资荐股表现进行了业绩综合评定, 最终BC毕业生投资荐股业绩为全美大学中排名第1。
美国前副国务卿R.Nicholas Burns,
众议院发言人Tip O’Neill,
能源部长Ernest Moniz,
马萨诸塞州州长Paul Cellucci,
马萨诸塞州副州长Karyn Polito,
康涅狄格州州长Dannel P. Malloy,
波士顿市市长Martin J. Walsh,
美国投资大师彼得·林奇(Peter Lynch),
美国高盛(GOLDMAN SACHS)集团董事长Steve Barry,
美国金宝汤(CAMPBELL SOUP)CEO Denise Morrison,
美国在线支付公司WePay创始人及CEO Bill Clerico
美国GOOGLE/YOUTUBE文化时尚业务负责人Kevin Allocca,
美国苹果电脑公司高级副总裁Phil Schiller,
日本软银(SOFTBANK)副主席尼克什·阿罗拉Nikesh Arora。
美国国家科学奖章获得者及加州理工化学教授Peter B Dervan,
美式橄榄球名人堂成员道哥-付鲁迪(Doug Flutie),
美国著名女子冰球运动员[70] Molly Schaus(2次冬奥会亚军及5次世锦赛冠军国家队成员)
美国NBA篮球运动员Jared Dudley (贾里德·达德利) ,
美国著名橄榄球运动员Luke Kuechly,
美国著名橄榄球运动员Matt Ryan,
美国著名盲人登山家Erik Weihenmayer(首位登顶七大洲最高峰的盲人登山家, 时代周刊封面人物)
美国WWE职业摔角选手科菲·金士顿(Kofi Kingston,曾多次获得美国及洲际冠军)
美国电影金球奖得主 及好莱坞星光大道名人堂明星 艾米·波勒(AMY POEHLER),
美国NBC知名播音员Luke Russert,
香港艺人陈慧珊(FLORA CHAN)和韩国艺人 ERIC NAM也曾经就读于BC。
2014年1月6日BC校友、波士顿市长Martin J. Walsh就职典礼在波士顿学院CONTE FORUM体育馆举行。
2014年BC校友Will Hobson 获年度普利策新闻奖(PULITZER)-地方新闻报道奖。
Arts and literature 艺术和文化杰出校友
Robert Ambrose, Music Director and Conductor, Atlanta Wind Symphony
James Balog, 1974, photographer
Joseph Bottum, PhD 1994, writer
Gerry Carroll, 1969, novelist
Zachary Conroy, 2007, actor, The Bold & The Beautiful
Peter Dee, 1961, playwright
Larry Deyab, 1979, painter
Brendan Galvin, 1960, 76
George V. Higgins, 1961, JD 1967, novelist
Charles Hogan, 1989, novelist/screenwriter
Natalia Majluf, 1988, curator, Museo d’Arte de Lima, Peru
Ian Thomas Malone, 2013, novelist; founder of The Rock at Boston College
Joyce McDaniel, 1973, artist, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Joseph McLellan, 1951, MA 1953, music critic, The Washington Post
Ed McMahon, TV host and personality
Brian Murphy, nonfiction writer, essayist
Chris O‘Donnell, 1995, actor
David Plante, 1961, novelist
Maurice Sagoff, poet
Paul Shakespear, 1971, painter
Mary Sherman, artist and curator
Elliot Silverstein, 1949, director; president, Artists Rights Foundation
Karen Sosnoski, author, radio contributor and filmmaker
John Vernon, 1965, novelist
C. Dale Young, 1991, poet, physician, editor
Business 商界杰出校友
Nikesh Arora, 1995, President, Global Sales Operations and Business Development, Google
Christian J. Baird, 1999, Managing Director, Thoroughbred Insurance & Financial Services, LLC.
Richard Berman, J.D. 1969, CEO, NexMed
Kara Grady Boudreau, 1989, vice president, Salomon Smith Barney
Wayne Budd, 1963, executive vice president, John Hancock Financial Services
Bill Clerico, 2007, founder and CEO, WePay
Jack Connors, 1963, chair, Hill, Holliday, Conors, Cosmopulos
Kathleen Corbet, 1982, CEO, fixed income division, Alliance Capital Management
Robert F. Cotter, 1973, President and COO, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide
James A. Di Corpo, 1985, 1991, Director of Market & Strategic Intelligence, Prudential Retirement
Joseph Donahue, S.B. 1978, founder, president, Microtech
David Donatelli, 1987, Executive Vice President and General Manager, HP
E. Michael Egan, 1976, CEO, TransMolecular
Sixto Ferro, 1992, vice president, Conchita Foods
Drew W. Galloway, 2012, Managing Director
Paul Altieri, 1979, CEO, Bob’s Watches
Stephen L. Green, JD 1962, founder of S.L. Green Realty
Joseph (Jay) L. Hooley, President and CEO, State Street Corporation
Charlie Jacobs, Principal, Boston Bruins, Delaware North Companies
Kenneth Kanzler, 1988, vice president, Olympus Corporation
Christopher George Kennedy, 1986, President of Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc., a subsidiary of Vornado Realty Trust, and son of Robert F. Kennedy
Robert Leonard, 1954, former president and CEO, Ticketmaster
Ronald Logue, S.B. 1967, M.B.A. 1974, Chairman and former CEO, State Street Corporation
David H. Long, CEO of Liberty Mutual Group
Peter Lynch, 1965, mutual fund manager for Fidelity
John Mara, 1976, president, CEO, and co-owner, New York Giants
Harry Markopolos, 1997, Bernard Madoff whistleblower to SEC
John F. McCormack, Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Sentinel Capital Partners, a leading middle-market private equity firm
Therese Meyers, 1966, CEO, Bouquet Multi Media
Denise Morrison, 1975, President and CEO, Campbell Soup Company
James Moses, 1979, president, Elderhostel
Denis O‘Brien, MBA 1982, Chairman, Digicel
Paul V. Reiss, BA 2007, co-founder of Artaic LLC
Virginia Mitchell Ryan, 1989, vice president, JP Morgan Chase
Ferit Sahenk, 1989, head of Turkey’s Dogus Holding conglomerate
Theresa Santisi, 1976, partner, KPMG LLP
Philip W. Schiller, BS 1982, vice president of Apple Computer
Bill Simon, JD 1982, businessman and former gubernatorial candidate in California
Patrick Stokes, 1964, president, Anheuser-Busch
G. Craig Sullivan, 1964, chairman and CEO, The Clorox Company
Richard Syron, 1966, chairman, president and CEO, Thermo Electron Corporation; currently CEO of Freddie Mac
Education 教育界杰出校友
David R. Anderson, PhD 1978, president, St. Olaf College
Harold Attridge, 1967, dean, Divinity School, Yale University
Anthony Bryk, 1970, Marshall Field professor of urban studies, University of Chicago
William Bulger, 1958, professor, Boston College; former president, University of Massachusetts
Stacey Cements, 1998, founder, Chicago Jesuit Academy
Peter Dervan, 1967, former chairman, division of chemistry and chemical engineering, California Institute of Technology
Robert Drinan, SJ, 1942, former dean, Boston College Law School
Chester Dunning, MA 1972, PhD 1976, Russian history specialist at Texas A&M University
Joseph M. Eagan, 1976, Executive Board member, American Library Association, 2008-2011
Janet Eisner, MA 1969, president, Emmanuel College
David Ellis, PhD 1987, president, Newbury College
Paul LaMarche, 1975, vice provost, Princeton University
Brian Linnane, SJ, 1977, president, Loyola College in Maryland
Charles William Lyons, SJ, 1904, former president, Boston College, Georgetown, Gonzaga & St Joseph‘s universities
Joseph M. McShane, SJ, 1972, president, Fordham University, former president of the University of Scranton
Ernest Moniz, 1966, United States Secretary of Energy under Barack Obama; chair, Physics Department, MIT; director, Bates Linear Accelerator Center
J. Keith Motley, PhD 1999, chancellor, University of Massachusetts Boston; first African-American chancellor at UMass Boston
Richard A. O’Brien, SJ, 1901, president, Ateneo de Manila (1927–1933)
Thomas P. O‘Malley, SJ, 1951, former president, John Carroll and Loyola Marymount universities
Deborah C. Peters, MA 1985, co-founder and Head of School, The Cambridge School
Elizabeth Poster, 1981, dean, University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing
Michael P. Walsh, SJ, 1929, former president, Boston College and Fordham University
Entertainment 娱乐界杰出校友
Ayla Brown, 2010, singer, American Idol
P. J. Byrne, 1996, film and television actor of Horrible Bosses, Final Destination 5, The Legend of Korra and The Game
Flora Chan, 1991, Hong Kong television and film actress
Gregory Dayton, 1975, actor and voiceover artist
Teddy Dunn, JD 2013, actor best known for portraying Duncan Kane on Veronica Mars
Cameron Esposito, comedian
Craig Finn, 1993, lead singer of The Hold Steady (and formerly Lifter Puller)
Sean Flahaven, 1995, Broadway composer
Maile Flanagan, 1987, voice actress for Naruto
Michael Frazier, 1958, producer
Gary Gulman, 1993, comedian, runner-up in 2004’s Last Comic Standing
Alison Haislip, 2003, actress, TV host of Attack of the Show
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, 1999, former reality show contestant on Survivor: The Australian Outback, former co-host of talk show The View; host on Fox & Friends
Michael Hundgen, 2005, host, TMZ TV
Clinton Kelly, 1991, co-host of TLC‘s What Not to Wear,; co-host of ABC’s The Chew; former magazine editor
Christine Kane, singer-songwriter
Kofi Kingston, professional wrestler
Thomas McCarthy, 1988, actor and director of The Station Agent
Mark McLaren, 1984, Broadway conductor
Jason Mulgrew, 2001, writer/blogger
Mike Najarian, drummer, State Radio
Eric Nam, 2011, Korean singer
Leonard Nimoy, 1952, actor
Chris O‘Donnell, 1992, actor
Mary Parker, 1975, actress
Ellis Paul, 1987, singer/songwriter
Amy Poehler, 1993, repertory player for Saturday Night Live and Upright Citizens Brigade; star of Parks and Recreation
Greg Poehler, 1996, creator and star of Welcome to Sweden
Rikishi, 1988, born Solofa F. Fatu Jr., professional wrestler
David Smalley, 1985, rock musician
Tim Stack, 1978, actor
Lori Trespicio, 2001, Real World X cast member, singer, writer, blogger
Nancy Walls, 1988, comedian, wife of Steve Carell
Tracey Wigfield, 2005, comedy writer
Wayne Wilderson, 1989, actor
Law, politics, and public service 政界杰出校友
Bruce Ayers, member of the Mass. House of Representatives (1998-present)
Brigida Benitez, JD 1993, president of Hispanic Bar Association; proposed alternative nominee for the United States Supreme Court
Peter Blute, BA 1978, Former United States Congressmen and radio talkshow host
Edward P. Boland, JD 1936, former United States Congressman; author of the Boland Amendment
Garrett J. Bradley, BA 1992 & JD 1995, member of the Mass. House of Representatives (2000-present)
Joseph Brennan, 1958, former Governor of Maine, former United States Congressman
Scott Brown, JD 1985, former Massachusetts state senator; United States Senator
Wayne Budd, 1963, former United States Associate Attorney General
William M. Bulger, JD 1961, former president of the Massachusetts state senate and former president of the University of Massachusetts
Honorable John J. Burns, 1921, founder and First General Counsel of The Securities and Exchange Commission (1934-1936); professor at Harvard Law School (1936-1957); lawyer in New York City and Boston
R. Nicholas Burns, 1978, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, board member of the Council on Foreign Relations, former US Ambassador to NATO, former US Ambassador to Greece
Gary Buseck, 1972, MS 1974, JD 1980, Executive Director, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders
Andrea Cabral, 1981, Sheriff of Suffolk County, Boston, Massachusetts; first woman and first African-American to hold the position
Thomas Capano, lawyer
Mike Capuano, JD 1977, United States Congressman
Edward Cashman, A.B. 1965, district court judge, State of Vermont
Paul Cellucci, 1970, JD 1973, former Governor of Massachusetts, former US Ambassador to Canada
Robert W. Clifford, JD 1962, Maine Supreme Court justice
John Cogliano, 1987, Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation]
David Condon, 1996, Mayor of Spokane Washington
John Connolly, former FBI agent, currently incarcerated stemming from his relationship with James J. “Whitey” Bulger
Silvio Conte, 1949, JD 1949, former United States Congressman
James Michael Curley, 1929, mayor of Boston, United States Congressman, and Governor of Massachusetts
John Curtin, 1954, former president, American Bar Association
Bill Delahunt, JD 1967, United States Congressman
Salvatore DiMasi, 1967, Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives
John Dooley, LL.B 1968, Vermont Supreme Court justice
Bob Downes, JD 1968, Alaska Superior Court Judge
Robert Drinan, SJ, 1942, former United States Congressman, human rights advocate; only Catholic priest to serve in Congress
Joseph R. Driscoll, Jr., BA, member of the Mass. House of Representatives (2003-present)
Mark V. Falzone, B.A., member of the Mass. House of Representatives (2000-present)
John F. “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald, 1885, First Irish-Catholic mayor of Boston, grandfather of John F. Kennedy
David Flanagan, J.D. 1973, General Counsel, Special Investigation of Hurricane Katrina
Linda Dorcena Forry, 1996, second Haitian-American Massachusetts state representative
William F. Galvin, 1972, Massachusetts Secretary of State; 2006 Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate
Joseph L. Gormley, 1937, MA 1939, famous FBI agent
Michael S. Greco, JD 1972, president, American Bar Association
Patrick Guerriero, MA 1992, executive director, Log Cabin Republicans
Ken Hackett, BA 1968, President of Catholic Relief Services
Jane D. Hartley, BA, United States Ambassador to France
Margaret Heckler, JD 1956, former United States Congresswoman, former US Secretary of Health and Human Services, former US Ambassador to Ireland
Charles F. Hurley, 1913, Governor of Massachusetts
Cheryl Jacques, 1984, first openly gay state senator; former president, Human Rights Campaign
Sean M. Joyce, Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Karim Kawar, 1987, Jordanian Ambassador to the United States
Bill Keating, 1974, MBA 1982, United States Congressman
John Kerry, JD 1976, United States Secretary of State, former United States Senator, 2004 Democratic candidate for President of the United States
Edward J. King, 1948, former Governor of Massachusetts and professional football player
Kenneth I. Kolpan, 1972, brain injury Llawyer
Pat LaMarche, 1982, Maine gubernatorial candidate, 2004 Green Party vice-presidential candidate
Rachel J. Lamorte, 2010, former Political Director of the College Democrats of America
Wayne LaPierre, MA, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association
Stephen Lynch, 1991, United States Congressman
Dannel P. Malloy, 1977, JD 1980, Governor of Connecticut
Ed Markey, 1968, JD ’72, United States Congressman Ed Markey
Tip O‘Neill, 1936, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Grace Poe, 1991, former Chair of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board in the Philippines. Senator of the Republic of the Philippines.
Pierre-Richard Prosper, 1985, United States Ambassador-at-large for War Crimes Issues
Mike Rawlings, 1976, Mayor of Dallas, Texas
Thomas Reilly JD 1970, Attorney General of Massachusetts, 2006 Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate
Warren Rudman, JD 1960, former United States Senator and New Hampshire attorney general
Michael Rustad, Ph.D, Intellectual Property author, Professor at Suffolk University Law School
R.T. Rybak, 1978, Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Marie St. Fleur, JD 1987, Massachusetts state representative; first Haitian-American elected to the Massachusetts Legislature; 2006 Massachusetts lieutenant gubernatorial candidate
Thomas P. Salmon, 1954, JD ’57, former Governor of Vermont
Leslie Samuelrich, 1985, co-founder and head, Green Corps
Bobby Scott, JD 1973, United States Congressman
Michael D. Scott, MBA 1994, Senior Advisor, Patton Boggs, LLP; former Senior Adviser to the Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; former Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of the Treasury; former Member of the Board of Directors, National Cooperative Bank
Andrew K. Slade, 2013, National Vice President of the College Democrats of America
Francis X. Spina, JD 1971, Massachusetts Supreme Court justice
Michael A. Sullivan, 1982, JD ‘85, Mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts
Michael J. Sullivan, 1979, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts; 2006 Massachusetts lieutenant gubernatorial candidate
Amul Thapar, 1991, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky
Maurice J. Tobin, 1922, former mayor of Boston, former Governor of Massachusetts, former US Secretary of the Department of Labor
Martin J. “Marty” Walsh, mayor of Boston, 2014-present
Kevin White, 1955, former mayor of Boston; longest serving
Diane Wilkerson, JD 1981, first African-American Massachusetts state senator
Barbara Wright, B.S., member of the New Jersey General Assembly.
Debra Wong Yang, JD 1984, United States Attorney for the Central District of California
Media and communication 传媒通讯界杰出校友
Tom Bowman, MA, Pentagon reporter, National Public Radio
Kerry Byrne, 1992, food writer, Boston Herald, Esquire; sports writer, Sports Illustrated; founder and ’Pigskin Potentate‘ ColdHardFootballFacts.com
Alina Cho, 1993, broadcast news reporter, CNN
Leonard DeLuca, 1974, senior vice president for programming development, ESPN
Kenneth Dolan, 1965, author; co-host of The Dolans, syndicated financial talk show, WOR radio network
Paula Ebben, anchor, WBZ-TV/Boston
Jimm Freedman, 1976, videotape editor CBS-TV, Emmy award winner with 60 Minutes in New York and at WCBS_TV Los Angeles; director, producer, writer; editor of Wheel of Fortune 1989-90
Susan Gianinno, 1970, chair and CEO, Publicis
Jack Griffin, 1982, publisher, Parade magazine
Elisabeth Filarski Hasselbeck, 1999, co-host, The View, ABC
Jack King, NASA Public Affairs Officer
Paul LaCamera, MBA 1983, president and general manager, WCVB-TV/Boston
Steve Lacy, 1997, anchor, reporter, WCVB-TV/Boston
Mike Lupica, 1974, author; sports columnist, New York Daily News
Julianne Malveaux, 1974, MA ’76, nationally syndicated columnist, author, producer
Drew Massey, 1992, founder and publisher of P.O.V. magazine; founder of ManiaTV!
John McLaughlin, MA 1961, executive producer and host of The McLaughlin Group, PBS
Mark Mulvoy, 1964, former managing editor of Sports Illustrated
Thomas Mulvoy, 1964, former managing editor of the Boston Globe
Brian Murphy, religion editor, Associated Press
William Perkins, 1976, MBA 1978, president, Wells Greene BDDP
Frederick Pratson, 1957, travel writer
Luke Russert, 2008, congressional correspondent, NBC News
Bob Ryan, 1968, sports columnist for the Boston Globe
Herb Scannell, 1979, president, MTV Networks, Nickelodeon Networks
Lesley Visser, 1975, sports broadcaster, ESPN
Dave Wedge, 1993, reporter, political columnist, Boston Herald
William O. Wheatley, Jr., 1966, former Emmy Award-winning executive producer of NBC Nightly News; executive vice president, NBC News
Carter Wilkie, 1988, author, former White House speechwriter
Religion 宗教界杰出校友
Harold Berman, JD 1994, executive director, Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts, writer on issues of intermarriage and Jewish identity
Thea Bowman, PhD 1989, Franciscan sister, revered evangelist
Timothy P. Broglio, 1973, Archbishop, Vatican Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico
Richard James Cushing, 1917, Cardinal-Archbishop of Boston
Matthew D‘Isernia, Defender of the Faith
Robert Drinan, SJ, 1942, human rights advocate, only Catholic priest ever to serve in US Congress
John Higgins, SJ, 1959, MA 1960, STL 1967, rector, Fairfield University
John Kallos, a.k.a. John of Amorion, 1955, first American-born bishop in the Greek Orthodox Church; former director, St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine, Florida
Frederick G. Lawrence, scholar of Bernard Lonergan
Richard Lennon, 1969, Bishop of Cleveland
Catherine McNamee, CSJ, ’MEd 1955, MA 1958, former president, National Catholic Education Association
Gerasimos Michaleas, MA 1986, PhD 1993, Metropolitan of San Francisco; Archbishop, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
John Courtney Murray, 1926, MA 1927, prominent Jesuit theologian, architect of Vatican II
William Henry O‘Connell, 1881, Cardinal-Archbishop of Boston
Edward O’Flaherty, SJ, 1959, director, ecumenical/interreligious affairs, Boston archdiocese
Edward Phillips, Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program, Archdiocese of Nairobi
Francis A. Sullivan, SJ, 1944, MA 1945, Jesuit theologian and ecclesiologist
Science, technology, and medicine 科技医疗界杰出校友
Rosina Bierbaum, BS and BA 1974, Dean at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment and member of the National Science and Technology Council under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama
Krastan Blagoev, PhD 1998, Director of Research, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jane A. Cauley, (MPH 1980, Dr PH 1983), epidemiologist, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Robert Cefalo, 1955, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Rich Chutoransky, 1989, Scientist Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Gilbert Connelly, 1962, Director of Cardiac Anesthesia, New England Medical Center
Ryan Dunkelberg, neurologist and behavioral psychologist
E. Michael Egan, 1976, CEO, TransMolecular
Joseph L. Gormley, 1937, MA 1939, father of modern forensic science
Gerald B. Healy, 1963, Otolaryngologist-in-Chief and Surgeon-in-Chief at Children‘s Hospital Boston
Philip J. Landrigan, epidemiologist and pediatrician
Paul Nadeau, 1975, MS 1970, geological advisor, Statoil, Norway
Carol Picard, MS 1976, PhD 1998, President, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
John Pollock, 1987, Assistant Professor, Tufts Cummings Veterinary School
Richard Ryan, BS 1986, President, Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati
Susan Sheehy, 1969, Associate Director, Clinical Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Georgina Soule, 1985, Head Nurse Manager, Brockton Veterans Affair Hospital
Aleksandar Totic, 1988, co-founder and former partner, Netscape
Kevin J. Tracey, 1979, neurosurgeon and immunologist
Economics 经济界杰出校友
Welles Crowther, 1999, equities trader who saved a dozen people during the September 11 attacks before dying
Martha MacDonald, President of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) from 2007 to 2008
Abdisalam Omer, Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia
Athletics 体育界杰出校友
Alejandro Bedoya, 2008, United States men’s national soccer team midfielder
Josh Beekman, 2006, NFL and UFL offensive guard
Troy Bell, 2003, NBA point guard
Johnny Gaudreau, 2014, NHL forward
Will Blackmon, 2006, NFL defensive back
Cal Bouchard, 2000, WNBA
Paul Boudreau, 1973, NFL offensive line coach
Stephen Boyd, 1995, NFL linebacker
Brian Boyle, 2007, plays for the Rangers of the NHL
Mark Chmura, 1991, NFL tight end
Scott Clemmensen, NHL goaltender
Mike Cloud, 1998, NFL running back
Marc Colombo, 2001, NFL offensive tackle
Tom Condon, 1974, sports agent, called the most powerful agent in any sport by The Sporting News
Harold Connolly, 1952, 1956 Olympic gold medalist in the hammer throw
Arianna Criscione, 2006, Italian football goalkeeper
Ted Crowley, 1993, NHL and 1994 US Olympic Hockey Team defenseman
Charlie Davies, 2007, MLS striker
Steve DeOssie, 1984, NFL linebacker
Gina DiMartino, 2009, WPS forward/midfielder
Art Donovan, 1950, NFL defensive tackle
Jared Dudley, 2007, NBA forward
Patrick Eaves, 2005, NHL right wing
Howard Eisley, 1995, NBA point guard
David Emma, 1991, NHL right wing
Benn Ferriero, 2009, NHL and AHL right wing
John Fitzgerald, 1970, NFL offensive lineman
Kenny Florian, 1999, retired professional mixed martial artist for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Fox/UFC analyst
Darren Flutie, 1988, NFL and CFL receiver
Doug Flutie, 1985, NFL, CFL, and USFL quarterback
Glenn Foley, 1993, NFL quarterback
Pete Frates, 2007, baseball player; credited creator of the Ice Bucket Challenge
Mike Gambino, 2000, Boston College baseball coach
Antonio Garay, 2002, NFL defensive tackle
Laura Georges, 2006, French football defender
Nathan Gerbe, 2008, NHL forward
Brian Gionta, 1997, NHL and 2006 US Olympic Hockey Team right wing
Stephen Gionta, 2006, NHL left wing
William Green, 1999, NFL running back
Bill Guerin, 1991, NHL right wing
Matt Hasselbeck, 1997, NFL quarterback
Tim Hasselbeck, 2000, ESPN analyst, former NFL quarterback
Chris Hovan, 2001, NFL defensive tackle
Frank Hussey, 1928, 1924 Olympic gold medalist in Athletics
Amber Jacobs, 2004, WNBA point guard
Tyler Jewell, 1999, 2006 Olympic contender in Snowboarding
Pete Kendall, 1995, NFL guard[
Kevin Kiley, Jr., 2002, professional wrestler, stage name Alex Riley
Kofi Kingston, 2003, professional wrestler
Mathias Kiwanuka, 2006, NFL linebacker
Dan Koppen, 2003, NFL center
Chris Kreider, 2012, NHL forward
Luke Kuechly, 2012, NFL linebacker
Brian Leetch, 1990, Retired NHL defenseman
Ronald MacDonald, 1898, second winner of the Boston Marathon
Mike Mamula, 1994, NFL defensive end/linebacker
Kelvin Martin, 1987, NFL wide receiver
Mike Mayock, 1980, NFL Network analyst, former NFL safety
Kristie Mewis, 2012, NWSL forward/midfielder for the Boston Breakers[118]
Mike Mottau, 2000, NHL defenseman
Joe Mullen, 1978, NHL and CHL forward
Tom Nalen, 1993, NFL center
Brooks Orpik, 2001, NHL defenseman
Bruce Pearl, 1982, head coach, Tennessee Volunteers basketball
Gerard Phelan, 1984, NFL receiver
Quinton Porter, 2005, CFL quarterback
Brooke Queenan, 2006, Serbian basketball forward
B.J. Raji, 2009, NFL defensive tackle
Marty Reasoner, 1995, NHL center
Kathrin Ress, 2007, WNBA forward
Bill Romanowski, 1988, NFL linebacker
Mike Ruth, 1986, NFL defensive lineman
Matt Ryan, 2008, NFL quarterback
Sean Ryan, 2003, NFL Tight End
Brian St. Pierre, 2002, NFL quarterback
Molly Schaus, 2011, USA hockey goaltender
Cory Schneider, 2007, NHL goaltender
Jamie Silva, 2008, NFL safety
Fred Smerlas, 1979, NFL defensive lineman
Craig Smith, 2006, NBA forward
Chris Snee, 2004, NFL offensive guard
Kelli Stack, 2011, USA hockey forward
Kevin Stevens, 1987, NHL forward
Ron Stone, 1993, NFL offensive lineman
Steve Strachan, 1985, NFL running back
Karl Swanke, 1980, NFL offensive lineman
Carolyn Swords, 2011, WNBA center
Bill Thomas, 1971, NFL running back
Jeremy Trueblood, 2006, NFL right tackle
Tom Waddle, 1989, ESPN analyst and former NFL wide receiver
Lenny Walls, 2002, NFL cornerback
Erik Weihenmayer, 1991, mountaineer, first blind person to reach summit of Mount Everest
Dave Widell, 1988, NFL offensive lineman
Doug Widell, 1989, NFL offensive lineman
Sean Williams, 2008, NBA forward/center
Damien Woody, 1999, NFL center
Jerry York, 1967, Men‘s hockey coach, Boston College
Paul Zukauskas, 2001, NFL guard