留学360介绍:俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon,简称UO) 是拥有百年历史的美国著名的公立大学之一,是以培养本科生和从事科学研究为主的综合性大学。坐落于俄勒冈州(Oregon)的第二大城市尤金(Eugene),距波特兰(俄勒冈周西北部港市)2小时车程,距太平洋海岸和Cascade都只有一小时车程。学校还是美国大学协会(AAU)仅有的63个成员之一。俄勒冈大学贡献了两位诺贝奖获得者和十一位普利策奖获得者。在2015年的《美国新闻与世界报道》美国大学排名中,俄勒冈大学名列全美第105名。教育学院,商学院和新闻传媒学院是学校最著名的三个学院。
1. Extreme school pride
2. Beautiful location and campus
3. College town atmosphere
4. Small community feel within a large school
5. Top rankings in athletics
6. Great alumni base
7. Infamous business school
8. State-of-the-art recreation center
9. Great dorm food on campus
10. Public transit makes it easy to get everywhere.
1. It rains a lot and can get pretty cold.
2. Greek system gone dry
3. Not a lot going on in the city besides the University
4. Not extremely diverse
5. Overcrowded dorms
6. Hard to find parking
7. Professors hired on a part-time basis.
8. Drug scene can get out of hand.
9. Heightened campus strictness
10. The school population can be very liberal.