

2014-05-12 11:24:56 美国留学云 4008-941-360






院校名称(英文):Idaho State University







爱达荷州立大学在全国范围内获得好评的学科有商科,药剂学,医药卫生,教育学,工程学,人文和理工科学。学生修读最多的学科是:师范教育(29%)、管理 (18%)、健康科学(15%)、工商(14%)、生命科学(8%)。爱达荷州立大学的会计专业在全国享有盛名,学生在各种认证测验中都有良好表现。





爱达荷州气候四季分明,非常干燥。该州拥有19座国家或州立公园及15处森林公园,爱达荷州立大学离世界著名的黃石公园及太阳谷SunValley只有3小時车程。爱达荷州为美国第十三大州, 人力素质高(全美第六)、工资低、电力低廉、交通便捷、资源丰富、税赋合理、土地成本低、犯罪率低、生活环境佳、消费指数低。

爱达荷州的主要产业是农业,但高科技如半导体产业及营建机具等发展很快。美光半导体公司(Micron)、惠普科技(HP)、Zailog及AMI等公司都是在爱达荷州有相当规模的生产制造工厂,使爱达荷州成为一个高科技的发展中心。北部以林业及矿业为主,近几年来,软件工业亦是十分蓬勃发展。州都树城及东南部的大城Idaho Falls是环保科技公司落脚的两个主要城市。此外,美国能源部亦在Idaho Falls设有科技能源研究中心(INEL), 该中心是新科技,技术产生的摇篮,亦是爱达荷州经济发展的重要地区。

观光旅游业亦是爱达荷州重要的收入来源,位于锯齿山脉(Sawtooth Mountain)中心的太阳谷(Sun Valley)是世界知名的滑雪胜地,亦是美国巨星名流渡假、居住的优先选择。爱州州内国家及州立公园提供了不同景观特点的风光及游憩活动。独木舟活动在鲑鱼河(Salmon River)十分受到欢迎,而北部的多蓝湖及附近的滑雪场,都是爱州北部不可错过的地方。

School Type

State-supported, Coed


Small-town 972-acre campus

Degrees Offered

Certificates, Associate, Bachelor‘s, Master’s, Doctoral, First Professional, Post-Master‘s, Postbachelor’s, and First Professional Certificates

Entrance Difficulty

Minimally difficult , 82% of applicants were admitted

Application Deadlines

8/1 (freshmen), 8/1 (transfers)



Admission: 2,836 applied; 2,331 admitted; 1,551 enrolled Average high school GPA: 3.25

Test Scores

SAT math scores over 500 59%

SAT writing scores over 500 57%

ACT scores over 18 82%

SAT math scores over 600 20%

SAT writing scores over 600 18%

ACT scores over 24 31%

SAT math scores over 700 3%

SAT writing scores over 700 1%

ACT scores over 30 4%


Options: electronic application, early admission, deferred entrance

Application fee: $40

Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.0 GPA

Application deadlines: 8/1 (freshmen), 8/1 (transfers)

Notification: continuous (freshmen), continuous (transfers)

Cost and Financial Aid

Costs (2009-10)

One-time required fee: $40

Tuition: State resident $3318 full-time, $253 per credit hour part-time; nonresident $13,120 full-time, $393 per credit hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load, program, and reciprocity agreements. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and reciprocity agreements

Required fees: $1650 full-time

Room and board: $5050; room only: $2350. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility

Payment plan: Deferred payment

Waivers: Senior citizens and employees or children of employees

Financial Aid

Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2007, 5,233 applied for aid, 4,600 were judged to have need, 334 had their need fully met. 577 Federal Work-Study jobs (averaging $1120). 449 state and other part-time jobs (averaging $1092)

In 2007, 871 non-need-based awards were made

Average percent of need met: 39%

Average financial aid package: $10,159

Average need-based loan: $4462

Average need-based gift aid: $4383

Average non-need-based aid: $2674

Average indebtedness upon graduation: $22,237

Financial aid deadline: 3/1

Student Body

Undergraduate Student Population

10,547 undergraduate students, 55% women, 45% men, 9% transferred in

International Population

representing 69 other countries

Housing Info

6% live on campus

Campus Life

Options: Coed, men-only, women-only, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed

Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, marching band, International Students Association, Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, Latter Day Saints Student Association, Student American Dental Hygienists Association, Academy of Students of Pharmacy, national fraternities, national sororities

Most popular organizations: International Students Association, Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, Latter Day Saints Student Association, Student American Dental Hygienists Association, Academy of Students of Pharmacy

Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access

Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women‘s center

Academic Programs

Special study options: Academic remediation for entering students, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit

ROTC: Army (c)

School Calendar: Semesters


Total: 767

Full-time: 81% full-time

Student/faculty ratio: 14:1


Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I, except: Football (Division I-AA)

Scholarship sports

Basketball, cross-country running, football (m), golf, soccer (w), tennis, track and field, volleyball (w)

Nonscholarship sports

Skiing (downhill), softball (w)

Intramural sports

Badminton M/W, baseball M(c)/W(c), basketball M/W, bowling M/W, cross-country running M/W, fencing M(c)/W(c), football M, racquetball M/W, rock climbing M/W, rugby M(c)/W(c), skiing (cross-country) M/W, skiing (downhill) M/W, soccer M/W, softball M/W, swimming and diving M(c)/W(c), table tennis M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, ultimate Frisbee M/W, volleyball M/W, water polo M/W, wrestling M

Intercollegiate sports

Basketball M(s)/W(s), cross-country running M(s)/W(s), golf M(s)/W(s), skiing (downhill) M/W, soccer W(s), softball W, tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), volleyball W(s)

School Facilities


Main Library Name: Eli M. Oboler Library

Collection: 835,638 titles; 4,867 serial subscriptions; 6,626 audiovisual materials

Endowment: $32.8 million

Contact Info

Mr. Scott Teichert

Director, Admissions and Recruitment

Idaho State University

921 South 8th Avenue

Pocatello, ID 83209

Phone: 208-282-2475

Non US Students


For fall 2008: 320 international students applied, 65 enrolled. Students can start in fall or spring.


Required: TOEFL (minimum score: iBT 69; paper-based 500), ELS. Recommended: IELTS. TOEFL can be waived under certain conditions.

Application Deadline

6/1. Transfers accepted from institutions abroad.

Financial Aid

Need-based and non-need based financial aid available. International transfer students are eligible to apply for aid. For fall 2007, 151 international students on campus received college administered financial aid ($8878 average).


Guaranteed, also available during summer.


International student adviser on campus. Full-time and part-time ESL programs on campus. ESL program available during the academic year and the summer. Internships and employment opportunities (on-campus and off-campus) available.




生物科学,英语,数学,物理,政治科学,教育管理,工程,咨询,物理治疗,制药学,人类学, 艺术/美术, 生物学和生物医学科学, 工商行政管理, 咨询教育学, 课程和教学, 戏剧/舞台艺术, 教育学,教育管理学,天才教育学, 初等教育学, 英语, 地质学, 政府/政治学, 卫生机构管理和医院管理, 数学, 微生物学:护理学, 药物科学, 药理学, 体育和人体运动研究, 物理学, 公共政策和管理, 阅读学, 学校心理学,中等教育学, 社会学, 特殊教育学, 言语病理学和听觉学, 职业教育和技术教育, 动物学。




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