

2014-11-10 10:25:07 美国留学云 4008-941-360






1. Williams College

Thank you for writing to us regarding students who mayapply to Williams this year.

The ED application deadline is November 15th but studentsstill have a week or two to get all their required materials to us, so your students should be just fine.

I would strongly suggest that any student who does applyfor ED, is fully aware that is is binding and they mustattend if admitted. Entering into a commitment such as this, is not to be taken lightly, so we stressthat a student should only apply for ED if they are 100% committed toattending.

ED需在11月15日前提交,即使晚一两周也just fine。

2. Amherst College

To alert us to the fact that you are among the October11th test takers affected by the score reporting delay,you should send an email to admission@amherst.edu with that information andinclude a copy of the official College Board notification that your October11th score report is among those delayed. Please use the subject line “EDOctober SAT Score Delay” for your email and be sure to provide sufficientidentifying information (full name, date of birth, name and location of high school) so that we can accurately matchyour email to your application.

To ensure that Amherst College receives your test scoresin a timely fashion, you must take prompt action onceyour scores are released. As soon as your October 11th SAT score report isavailable to you online through the College Board website, you should either fax a copy of your online score report to+1-413-542-2040 or email a screen shot or PDF of the online reporttoadmission@amherst.edu with the subject line “ED October SAT Test Scores.” Again, be sure to provide full indentifying information.

In addition to providing us with prompt information aboutyour released score via fax or email, please note thatwe must receive your official SAT score report from the College Board by Monday, November 24th at 8:30 a.m. (EST). All otherED application materials, including official scorereports for the two required SAT Subject Tests, must bereceived by the standard November 15th ED deadline.


3. Swarthmore College

Our Early Decision application deadline is Nov 15, and while we prefer to have all credentials in hand by that date, we will continue to accept and review credentials through late November.


4. Wellesley College

Thank you for your message! We are aware of the OctoberSAT result delays that may be occurring because of College Board administrativereview. The College Board has informed us that it will start releasing scoresfrom the affected regions in mid-November. As long we receive Early Decisionapplicants' October test scores by December 1st, thesescores will be considered in the Early Decision process.


5. Middlebury College

We are aware of this situation. We will accept yourstudent's test scores when they are reported. We will make note of this in yourapplication. Thanks for your email.


6. Carleton College

Hello from Carleton admissions! We know of the issuessurrounding SAT score for test-takers in Hong Kong and have advised studentsthat if the scores are here by November 21st they will be in time for ourFall-Early Decision round. Our advice is that if students have taken an earlierSAT test it would be wise to send us that score so that files can be completedand read by our admissions officers.


7. Claremont McKenna College

We have Early Decision I and II and Regular Decision. Thedeadline for ED I round is 1 November 2014.

We are aware of the 11 October SAT scores issue, and we understand our applicants' concern with how this may affecttheir Early Decision I application. We have already communicated to those whoreached out to us.

CMC will continue to honor its commitment to reviewingall Early Decision I applications as long as the Common Application issubmitted by November 1st. CMC will conduct a comprehensive review of eachstudent's application once the SAT scores have been received by the CMCAdmission Office. Should the delivery of the test scores be delayed beyondDecember 1st, decisions may be released after December15th.

11月1日前提交成绩,CMC官网上显示EDI的申请截止到11月1日,录取结果将在12月15日前发出;如果成绩晚于11月1日递送,录取结果的公布将晚于12月15日。CMC建议成绩delay的同学先和admission office联系。

8. Davidson College

Davidson will continue to honor its commitment to reviewall Early Decision I applications as long as the Common Application and allother supporting documents are submitted by November 15.


9. Vassar College

Hello, Thank you for your email.Our deadline is Nov. 15, we will accept scores receivedthrough November.


10. Washington and Lee University

Based on the information that we have received, the SAT issue will not affect Early Decision applicants. Scorereports-even delayed scores--should be received in November, which should give the international committee time to read and meeton those applications with the updated scores



11. Colby College

Colby requires that Early Decision applicants completeall testing by the November 15th deadline. It will not interfere with theirapplication that the October scores are delayed since they took the test priorto the November 15th deadline.


12. Hamilton College

We were informed by the College Board yesterday that theOctober 11th test date score results have been delayed,but that they expect them to be available by mid-November. As our ED1 deadlineis November 15th, so as long as we receive thestudents' scores by that date (or very shortly afterward), we would be able to consider them as an ED1 applicants.

To be considered for ED1, thestudents' Common Applications need to be submitted no later than November 15, 2014. While it would be ideal to have their applications completeon November 15th, it is okay if some of the otherapplication materials come in shortly after the deadline. Once we receive theapplications, we will send the students a username andpassword for our web site that will give them access to a checklist of requiredapplication materials.

Deadline 是11月15日,稍晚几天也OK,可以先提交申请材料,之后再全补齐。

13. Harvey Mudd College

Thank you for your interest in Harvey Mudd College. Aslong as the results are released by mid-November, thestudents should be fine. We also understand that the issue is out of thestudents' control, so they shouldn't worry too muchabout the scores.


14. Wesleyan University

That said, if you have femalestudents who are interested in applying to Wesleyan College for early decision, our deadline is not until November 15th. We are happy to beflexible, however, and ifstudents are able to get the rest of their materials in by the 15th (freeonline application, official transcript, the letters of recommendation, and a TOEFLscore if applicable), then we would be happy toconsider them Early Decision even if the SAT scores are a few days late. Thiswill also ensure that these students receive Scholarship Priority considerationin accordance with their ED preference.


15. Grinnell College

We are aware that students taking the SAT? and SATSubject Tests?in Hong Kong during the October 2014 administration will besitting for the exams on October 25,2014. Scores fromthis test date will be available to students online about three weeks after thetest date. This means we should receive the scores on November 15th which isGrinnell's Early Decision 1 deadline.


16. Smith College

Yes,our Early Decision I deadlineis November 15 so scores received around that time through the end of Novemberwould be fine.


17. Colgate University

We have been notified about the delay in reporting and atthis time, we still should have the student's resultsin time for our early decision process. We may be able to accept scores from aNovember test date as long as they are submitted close to our November15thdeadline.


18. Macalester College

We have Early Decision I and Early Decision II withdeadlines of November 15th, 2014 and January 2nd, 2015 respectively. We have been informed about the late SAT scoresfor Chinese and Korean students. We think that the SAT scores should arrive intime for the Early Decision I deadline but if they arrive a little late we willmake accommodations.

EDI 需在11月15日提交,若成绩在15日后,稍微晚些出的话,也可再协调。

19. Scripps College

Thank you for your email. We have been contacted by manystudents and counselors with this concern. Please assure your applicants thattheir ED1 applications will be reviewed and considered as long as we receivethe SAT scores by December 1st and all other application requirements have beenfulfilled.


20. Bryn Mawr College

Thank you for your email. Bryn Mawr College will acceptthe SAT scores from October if we receive them by the end of November for EarlyDecision.





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